Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Food Trucks at ASU

A few weeks ago I came across an article in one of the many newsletters I am sent as a member of the ASU community.  This item caught my attention because it was advertising that some food trucks would be set up within walking distance of my office on Wednesdays at mid day.

I've gone three weeks in a row and have tried two different trucks. The first two weeks I went to the truck Q Up Barbeque.  I had their pulled pork, brisket, and southwest slaw.  The meat was well-done, but I've had BBQ I've liked more. I'll give this one another shot after I've gone through the other trucks.

The truck I tried today was LunchaLibre. The sweet tea and other drinks served in canning jars and Mexican wrestling masks was the initial draw.  My lunch choice was the Pothead Quesadilla.  Wow it was good!  It was a flour tortilla filled with roasted potatoes, spinach, pico de gallo, and jack cheese.  I washed it down with a jar of cinnamon black tea.

When I stopped by the table with the ASU folks at it I let them know what a great idea it was to bring the trucks in and let them set up once a week.  From what I heard the event will go through the end of the semester and be back in the spring.  Sounds good to me!  Looks like I have my Wednesday lunch spot for the foreseeable future.

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