Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh my

Hello? Is the world still there? I ask because the Cardinals will be playing in the Super Bowl. Whoa. Today's game was good but I was thinking they were going to lose after the Eagles took the lead. Forgive my doubts but I still remember McNabb with a broken ankle beating the Cardinals. As long as both teams show up this year's Super Bowl should be a good one. World beware! I think the Cards have a good chance of winning.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Long Beach

I spent this past week in Long Beach at the 213th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. As you might guess the meeting was really far out! I heard interesting talks about art and education and read some interesting posters discussing current work. At the meeting I was able to talk to people I hadn't spoken to in many many years. That was nice.

With the busy days there was no time for sightseeing except for a brief walk to get a better view of The Queen Mary. If I had known it was a hotel I might have thought about staying there. Wonder how much they charge for steerage class rooms?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I rang in the New Year eating pizza and junk food and watching Japanese monster movies. With my Christmas loot I bought copies of Destroy all Monsters and Gamera: Defender of the Universe. Destroy All Monsters was extremely cheesey, like a well-done episode of the old Dr. Who series, though it didn't have enough monster mashing through Tokyo for my taste. The Gamera movie is only about 10 years old and was actually really good (for a Japanese monster movie).

When sharing my NYE plan with someone I remembered when I was younger that WOR out of NY would air Godzilla movies in the days following Thanksgiving. I'd sit and watch them while eating hot turkey sandwiches. The memories. Maybe next year I will eat Japanese food and watch Japanese monster movies. This could be the start of a new tradition.